Cleadon Church of England Academy

Flourishing together as one

Culture and Diversity


Synagogue Visit

On Tuesday, Year 6 visited the Newcastle Reform Synagogue in Gosforth. This was a great opportunity for us to consolidate our learning from the Autumn Term when we studied Judaism in RE. During our visit, we read from the Torah (which was over 100 years old!), learnt about Jewish festivals and traditions and studied the artwork and symbols around the synagogue. We really enjoyed our visit and would like to thank the ladies from the synagogue for being so welcoming!

Chinese New Year

This week Nursery have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have enjoyed listening to Traditional Chinese music and it inspired us to create a Dragon dance.

Kung Hei Fat Choy!
Nursery celebrated Lunar New Year by tasting Chinese food together. We all agreed our favourite food was prawn crackers.


This week as part of our 'Around the world' topic we visited the home of pizza. The children located Italy on a map and we looked at famous landmarks such as the Colosseum and Pisa. To finish this topic off Mrs Lambert prepared the ingredients to make our own pizza. The children had lots of fun and we have heard that they were delicious.

Catching up with Friends

Today we had a special Teams call from our friend in Australia. It was so good to see her and her family. She told us all about her new school and her new teachers. She also told us the weather was very hot and she has to wear a special hat when going to school. The children asked her questions and were very excited to see her.

World Down Syndrome Day

World Down Syndrome Day - Rock Your Socks - Online Celebration - Sunshine &  Smiles

Reception have had a brilliant day learning about and celebrating World Down Syndrome Day. They have read some books, created colourful socks and played some games. Mrs C also taught the children how to sign a song.

Australia Topic

The children in Year 2 have been learning all about Australia. 

Saturday 26th September is European Day of Languages

Miss Nixon has been working with some of her friends to produce this brilliant video 

and a fun quiz. 

Diversity Day

On Friday 22nd November we held Diversity Day in school. This was the first of a series of planned days to celebrate the diversity of our culture. Today we focused on family, relationships and identity.


Diwali is the five-day festival of lights, celebrated by millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains across the world. The festival, which coincides with the Hindu New Year, celebrates new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. In Enrichment we created our own Diva lamps to celebrate.

On Friday Reception enjoyed learning all about the festival of Diwali. The children enjoyed taking part in a range of activities including designing and making a Diva lamp, colouring Rangoli patterns, colouring characters from the story of Rama and Sita and using Numicon to make Rangoli patterns.


Mehndi Patterns

In Key Stage 1 we have been learning about the Indian tradition of henna painting. These Mehndi pattern are painted onto peoples hands during times of celebration like festivals or weddings. The intricate designs stay on the skin for about three weeks. We used face paints to create our own Mehndi patterns during Enrichment.

This Is Me!

Some of our Key Stage 1 children shared a class worship on the importance of celebrating our differences and not being afraid to be ourselves.

The Hatton Gallery

Our Year 2 children had a very interesting visit to The Hatton Gallery in Newcastle. They looked at works by famous artists like Sir Francis Bacon, Ellen Gallagher and Kurt Schhwitter. Our session was lead by Hazel who explained lots of different art techniques to us and lead us in a fantastic watercolour workshop.

St Davids Day

On the 1st March our Year 1 children celebrated St Davids Day by learning about the patron saint of Wales and by making daffodils.

All about India

Class 1X have been learning all about India. They shared their topic work during their Class Worship. It was a huge success with lots of clear voices and and some wonderful Bollywood dancing.

Hastamudras Dancing

The picture below shows the children learning hastamudras, Indian classical dance using hand gestures. This dance was all about animals.

Rainbow Flag Award

We are very pleased to announce that Cleadon Academy has achieved The Rainbow Flag Award, and was deemed "outstanding" in all areas. To read more about this award please click the link opposite.

Culture and Art

We love to explore different faiths and cultures though our art work.

Mandarin Lessons

The children in Years 2 and 5 are taking Mandarin lessons this year. Mrs Chang works with the children once a week to teach them basic greetings, numbers, food and pets. As the children grow in confidence they will also be learning how to write in Mandarin. Mrs Chang is also teaching the children about her culture. They have recently learned about the moon festival. Click here to watch an animated clip about this event.


British Sign Language is a visual language that uses hand shapes, facial expression, gestures and body language. BSL is a complete language with a unique vocabulary, construction and grammar. In Britain there are over 70,000 people whose first or preferred language is BSL.

Mrs Williamson has been teaching BSL classes during our Enrichment afternoons. The children have learned to finger spell their names, 


Laygate Mosque

Our Year 5 children visited the local Mosque. We were shown around the different areas of the building and were told of the importance of each room. The children looked at Islamic artifacts and learned more about the culture. At the end of the visit the children were able to explore the faith further by taking part in a question and answer session.

Chinese New Year

We have been celebrating Chinese New Year in school. Our EYFS children and the members of Cleadon Owls have been enjoying some Chinese taste tests.


This half term Year 4's RE topic is Sikhism. We were visited by Mr Jagpal who talked to the children about the Gurdwara, the meaning of the 5 Ks and the first Guru, Guru Nanak.  He told the children that turbans have different colours for different occasions, such as red for a wedding.  The children learned a lot about Sikhism and discovered that our school values are very similar to the values that Sikhs live their lives by.

The Sedar Meal

In Year 4 we have been learning about Passover and the traditional Seder plate. We used some of the artifacts in school to make our own version and even tried some of the food.

To read more about the Sedar plate click the picture below.

Image result for basic seder plate


Some of our Key Stage 1 children are exploring their spiritual side through yoga. 

Lions of Zululand

We enjoyed a visit from the Lions of Zululand. They shared a traditional African dance with us and ran workshops with the children.